quarta-feira, novembro 30, 2005
terça-feira, novembro 29, 2005
segunda-feira, novembro 28, 2005
Feira de Inverno 26-11-05 / Winter Handicraft Market, Lisbon

Algumas fotos da Feira de Inverno: eu e a minha vizinha.
Ficámos no nº. 36 devido ao mau tempo mas fiquei muito decepcionada com esta feira: por um lado, o espaço não estava devidamente assinalado, muitas pessoas nem sequer sabiam que a feira decorria em 2 andares, o que prejudicou muito quem estava lá em cima; por outro lado, as mesas eram minúsculas, apenas 70cm.
Espero que a próxima corra melhor!
Here are some photos of me and my neighbour at the Winter Handicraft Market.
Due to the bad weather we stayed at the No. 36, but I'm very disappointed with this market. On one hand, the places were not properly marked; many visitors did not even know that the market was divided into two floors, which really harmed the participants who were upstairs (my case). On the other hand, the tables were tiny, approximately 70 cm. There was not enough space to show all the things we had prepared for this market.
I hope that the next one will be better!
Here are some photos of me and my neighbour at the Winter Handicraft Market.
Due to the bad weather we stayed at the No. 36, but I'm very disappointed with this market. On one hand, the places were not properly marked; many visitors did not even know that the market was divided into two floors, which really harmed the participants who were upstairs (my case). On the other hand, the tables were tiny, approximately 70 cm. There was not enough space to show all the things we had prepared for this market.
I hope that the next one will be better!
quinta-feira, novembro 24, 2005
Muito ocupada / Lately I've been very busy
Já há alguns dias que não coloco nenhuma foto... porquê?
1. porque ando a preparar as minhas coisinhas para a Feira de Inverno;
2. porque tenho algumas encomendas;
3. porque não se deve mostrar tudo antes de um evento... assim algumas peças serão surpresa!
For some days that I've not posted any pictures... Why?
1. I'm preparing some new things fot the Winter handicraft fair;
2. I have some orders to finish;
3. One should never show everything one has done before participating in such markets... it's always nice to keep some things as a surprise!
1. porque ando a preparar as minhas coisinhas para a Feira de Inverno;
2. porque tenho algumas encomendas;
3. porque não se deve mostrar tudo antes de um evento... assim algumas peças serão surpresa!
For some days that I've not posted any pictures... Why?
1. I'm preparing some new things fot the Winter handicraft fair;
2. I have some orders to finish;
3. One should never show everything one has done before participating in such markets... it's always nice to keep some things as a surprise!
segunda-feira, novembro 21, 2005
sábado, novembro 19, 2005
A minha árvore de Natal/ My Christmas tree
A minha árvore de Natal!! Estava deserta para a fazer... e hoje lá arranjei tempo. É muito larga para a minha sala... estava habituada a fazer em casa dos pais e lá tinha todo o espaço que queria. Mas eu acho que mesmo assim ficou linda!
This is my Christmas tree! I was anxious to do my Xmas tree and today I've finally managed to do it. Well, it is a bit too wide for my living-room... I was used to do it at my parent's house and there I had all the free space I needed. Even though, I think it looks great!
sexta-feira, novembro 18, 2005
quinta-feira, novembro 17, 2005
Baltazar & Puppe
Os meus lindos gatinhos quando apareceram no site Clubepedigreewhiskas.com :)
Baltazar and Puppe, my lovely cats on Whiskas homepage http://www.clubepedigreewhiskas.com/